Elite Music Online Guided Teacher Tour
Get a guided tour of Elite Music Online from the CEO Adam Lavine
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Guided Teacher Tour - Introduction
How To Sign Up Your Students
Student Experience
Online Music Theory Course Structure
2 Minute Walkthrough of the Online Music Theory Curriculum
Lesson Samples
(Level 1) Reading music - an Introduction
(Level 2) Cadence Quiz
(Level 3) Cut Time
(Level 4) Diminished Triads
(Level 4) Diatonic Chords pt. 4: Minor Scale Secondary Chords
(Level 5) Ostinato Example
(Level 6) Chord Mini Quiz
(Level 7) Cadences Worksheet
(Level 8) Intermediate Chord Function
(Level 9) Cadential Dominants
Level 9 (Chord Quiz)
(Level 9) Time Signatures and Rhythm Quiz
(Level 10) Tertiary Harmony
(Level 10) Chord Progressions Quiz
Wrap Up